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  Welcome to our Website


     The NORTH MERCIA GROUP was formed in March 2010, one of the newest Groups in the Richard III Society and, almost eight years later in January 2018, we were invited to become a Branch. Our area covers South Cheshire, North Shropshire, Staffordshire, Chester, the Wirral and Flintshire.


We meet at the Crown Hotel, Nantwich on the first or second Saturday of the month. Meetings start at 2pm and include speakers on a wide range of subjects, trips to places of interest related to Richard III and the medieval period, and social occasions. Our famous Christmas Lunch at the Crown Hotel in Nantwich is not to be missed! 

 Meetings take a variety of forms: outside speakers covering a range of subjests , visits to places connected to Ricarard III and the Medieval period which so far have included: churches, abbeys, Bosworth Battlefield, Chester and York. We also have social occasions and our famous Christmas Lunch at the Crown Hotel Nantwich (not to be missed)  MOur annual membership fee is £5 which incl udes subscription to 'The Mercian Messenger' our Branch newsletter.

If  you are interested in joining us, please get in touch via the CONTACT tab on the menu or email : tedandbess1943@gmail.com






STOP PRESS: Christmas Cards now on sale!

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